join us



The Ogata research program is inherently interdisciplinary and is looking for motivated scientists to be part of a diverse team that intersects analytical, materials, and clinical chemistry. Dr. Ogata’s passion for research education is paired with a devotion to training for purposeful diversity and active inclusion in the sciences.

Details on group structure, core values, and how to join found below.

The Ogata team is centered around core values of

The Ogata Lab has group meetings once a week, were one graduate student presents a research update, literature review, lesson on an analytical technique, or literature on equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Students meet with Professor Ogata once a week to discuss experimental progress, professional development, and feedback.

Student’s must maintain a onenote lab notebook, template provided by upon entry to the group. Everyone’s notebook and protocols are open for ease of access. Students log their daily experiments and prepare pre-meeting notes. Keeping clear and detailed lab notes is an important skill that translates to all future careers in research.

Each graduate student is assigned a leadership role in the lab and is responsible for performing the tasks for that role. Example of leaderships roles include safety officer, purchasing manager, and social chair.

Each student will create individual development plans and meet with Prof. Ogata to discuss their unique career goals, challenges, and strategic planning of 3-month goals. These meetings are also used to assess student progress and strategize for continued student growth.

To educate ourselves and foster discussion skills, all students are required to present on an article focused on equity, diversity, inclusion topics at group meeting at least once a semester

Each student will meet with Prof. Ogata at weekly one-on-one meetings. Prof. Ogata’s mentorship style is to provide students the opportunity to receive feedback weekly while requiring students to be proactive in executing experiments on a day-to-day basis; with the goal of fostering independence and critical thinking skills in students.

want to join the

Due to the high volume of email inquiries, Alana is unable to respond to all emails. There are currently 1-3 open graduate student positions for Fall 2023 (masters/PhD), and all interested students must apply to the Department of Chemistry.



Currently recruiting a post doctoral fellow to lead a project on the ultrasensitive single-molecule arrays for protein biomarker detection for gynecological diseases.

Prospective postdoctoral scholars should email Alana with a 1-page cover letter, CV, and a 5-slide presentation that summarizes your previous research accomplishments. Also, include potential projects or proposed ideas that you can contribute to and contact information for three references.

Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
In the subject line of the email, include “[Full postdoc application for U of T Ogata Lab]”



Admitted graduate students to the University of Toronto should directly email Alana. Prospective graduate students should apply to the University of Toronto, Department of Chemistry before directly contacting Alana.

Specific projects that a student is interested in can be discussed upon admittance. The Ogata lab values team work, creating a supportive environment, leadership, and learning – students should highlight their scientific excellence, leadership, mentorship, and problem-solving skills in their applications.



Alana is a big advocate for undergraduate research.

Undergraduate students at the University of Toronto seeking research should email Alana with a statement of interest and CV. We encourage 2nd and 3rd year students to apply to an NSERC USRA for the summer, and the Ogata lab typically posts 1-3 ROP positions in the summers.

Students entering their 4th year and interested in a thesis project should email Alana in the preceding summer. Currently there are no research volunteer positions open.

As part of the Chemical and Physical Sciences Department, all Ogata lab members operate under the following core values.
This department operates under three core values: Safety, Respect and Professionalism. Each of us commits to upholding and championing these values, and to supporting other members of our community in upholding them as well.
Maintain an environment free from all forms of bullying and discrimination, including microaggressions.
Maintain an environment free from sexual violence and sexual harassment.
Respect the privacy and personal boundaries of others.
Complete and continually update all laboratory and field safety training. 
Adhere to safe practices in the field and laboratory.
Create a safe space that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities.
Actively identify and remove barriers to accessibility.
Respect names and pronouns. 
Treat all community members with the same level of courtesy, politeness, kindness, professionalism, and respect, regardless of their role or level of seniority.
Be respectful and kind when giving feedback, and thoughtful and open in receiving it.
Support a respectful space for individuals to participate in challenging, constructive, and critical dialogue and scientific debate.
Communicate openly, regularly, and collaboratively about mutual expectations for performance, responsibilities, and behavior in the laboratory and broader community. 
Ensure community members receive equal support and access to opportunities.
Accept responsibility for mistakes and make changes to address them.
Respect community members’ time by being punctual and prepared. 
Care for communal spaces by keeping them organized and clean.
Respect the principles of research integrity, confidentiality, and intellectual property.
Adhere to best practices in responsible data management.
Strive for open access science when disseminating research.